Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Missed last week's show?

If you didn't catch the show last week, well you missed out!

But be sure to TUNE IN today at 4pm www.brcatholicradio.com or if you're a local 1380am WPYR!

This past week we talked about St. Nicholas
and how he became known as Santa Claus.
Read about his history here as well as some
interesting traditions that many cultures
and countries still practice today in his honor.
Did you leave your shoes out on December 5th,
the eve of his feast day?
St. Nicholas

We also talked with one of our resident High School pseudo-interns, Austin! He did an excellent job interviewing a few of his peers and teachers about their thoughts on the New Roman Missal. Most people appreciate the changes, but some are still frustrated by having to change at all. Check in later to listen to the interviews.

We hope you will listen in today to get some great EXAM STUDY TIPS! Among the other fun things we will do!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St. Cecilia

Last week we talked about St. Cecilia and the beautiful statue that depicts her death. What a great example she is of courage and faith! Now, as we begin this new season of the Church, as we adjust to the beautiful changes in the mass, let us, as the young Church, be leaders in courage and faith. May we respond to these changes with eagerness and excitement as our Church transitions.

You guys are beautiful and we are so blessed to be able to minister to you through WPYR!

St. Cecilia, pray for us!